Meet Sales & Account Representative, Devan White
June 24, 2021
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If you’ve recently joined one of Click2Order’s delivery brands, you’ve probably chatted with Devan! As our Sales & Account Representative, Devan is the first point of contact for all new and prospective restaurant partners.
Devan graduated from Eastern College with a diploma in Video Game and App Development, making him a great fit for our software company. Prior to working at Click2Order, Devan worked in managerial roles in sales and operations.
“I love learning about and connect with our restaurant partners,” says Devan White, Sales & Account Representative. “Being able to offer a locally-focused delivery service that helps save restaurants thousands of dollars each year makes closing a sale even more rewarding,” he says.
Devan is one of the newest employees joining our growing team. Over the last two weeks he has been able to onboard over thirty-five restaurants.
“Although Click2Order is still considered a start-up, I feel like I’m becoming a part of a company that has exponential growth in its future,” he says. “I am excited to see where the company will be in three to five years”.
If you are interested in hearing more about the digital services available at Click2Order, Devan is happy to answer your questions directly. He can be reached at 902-317-3496 or